Module 1: Introduction – Week 1
- The C Language and its Advantages
- The Structure of a C Program
- Writing C Programs
- Building an Executable Version of a C Program
- Debugging a C Program
- Examining and Running a C Application Program
Module 2: Data Types and Variables – Week 2
- Data Types
- Operands, Operators, and Arithmetic Expressions
Module 3: Input/Output Management -Week 3
- The Input/Output Concept
- Formatted Input Function
Module 4: Control-Flow Statements -Week 4,5
- The Control-Flow Program Statements
- Looping Statements
- The Data-checking process
Module 5: Modular Programming with Functions -Week 6,7
- The C Function
- Passing Data to Functions
- Passing an Address to Modify a Value in Memory
- Using Functions in the Checkbook Program
- C Standard Library Functions
Module 6: Arrays, Pointers, and Strings -Week 8,9
- Arrays , Pointers , Strings
- Using Arrays, Strings, and Pointers in the Checkbook Program
- Structures
- Arrays of Structures
- Passing Structures to Functions
- Nesting Structures
Module 7: File Input/Output -Week 10
- Command-line Arguments
- Combining Command-line